On 22nd August 2019, I completed a 400 mile virtual cycle (equivalent distance from Venice to St Tropez) to raise money for Spinal Research. It was my 6th ride for charity and I raised over £1,000, so far I’ve totalled 1,881 miles in total for charity. I have a specially adapted FES bike which tracks… Continue reading Lolly Cycles 400 Miles for Spinal Research
Lolly Visits UC San Diego
While I was in LA we took a road trip to San Diego to go and visit Ellen Sinopoulos and take a tour of the labs at UC San Diego Center for Neural Repair Biomedical Research Facility to check out there research and progress to finding a cure for paralysis. I met Ellen in London… Continue reading Lolly Visits UC San Diego
Fashion and Disability ~ Strike a Pose Article
Fashion and Spinal Cord Injury?♿️Should we dress differently after an injury? Er.. HELL NO! Fashion is a form of expressing ourselves so why should we lose our identity now we are wheelchair users?!! Read the article “Strike a Pose” in Spinal Injuries Association Magazine, Forward where I have contributed to the article about my experience… Continue reading Fashion and Disability ~ Strike a Pose Article
I’ve become an official Ambassador for Spinal Research!
I visited Dr Mark Bacon and the Spinal Research team at their office in London. Louise Wheeler, head of fundraising and events presented me with a certificate of thanks for raising £1,700 for my 350 mile virtual cycle. The donations are still coming in, so thanks again to everyone who sponsored me and still helping… Continue reading I’ve become an official Ambassador for Spinal Research!
Brazilian Cure Girl Sabrina’s Visit to London
My Story With Paralysis – Featured on YOOCAN Website
This week was #WorldSCIday and I was really delighted to be asked by YOOCAN website to feature my story. Check out the full article on: https://yoocanfind.com/Story/1030/sciawarenessday-my-journey-with-paralysis www.yoocanfind.com
Cure Girl Barbara: Waiting 30 Years for a Cure
This was published on our Cure Girls blog on the anniversary of Cure Girl Barbara Bucci’s 30 years of her spinal cord injury. I had to publish this as I think Barbara has written such a touching and honest blog, which just highlights the fact that we need more of an urgency for a cure… Continue reading Cure Girl Barbara: Waiting 30 Years for a Cure
Thank you Professor Raisman. R.I.P.
Today it’s a very sad day for the Cure Girls and all people living with paralysis caused by spinal cord injury (SCI), because we have learned that Prof. Geoffrey Raisman passed away on Friday 27 January 2017. Our thoughts are with his wife and family at this time. I have met prof. Raisman together with… Continue reading Thank you Professor Raisman. R.I.P.
Homeopathy & Spinal Cord Injury
It has been exactly 2 years since I came off my medication for chronic pain and so far the best thing (also the hardest) I’ve ever done. I decided after taking medication for my neuropathic pain for 10 years to stop taking it due to a number of reasons. With the help of my lovely… Continue reading Homeopathy & Spinal Cord Injury
Fierce, Feisty Girls Fighting For a Cure! Meet The Cure Girls
Read our first published Cure Girls Campaign 2016 in Totally Aesthetic Magazine. TotallyAesthetic AESTHETICS, BEAUTY, CELEBRITY, WELLNESS FIERCE, FEISTY & FIGHTING FOR A CURE. MEET THE CURE GIRLS! By Lorraine ‘Lolly’ Mack Having the time of her life, travelling, fun jobs which she loved, Lolly liked to party and even won Party Girl… Continue reading Fierce, Feisty Girls Fighting For a Cure! Meet The Cure Girls